Windows Server 2025 Azure edition, joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670
Windows Server 2025 Azure edition, joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670
Who am i / About the author...
since 2001, Insider since 2014.
Thanks to Microsoft EMEA GBS to let me participate in the year 2014 to the Insider project during my work. Then, This Windows test project, here in version 11, is based on the cycle of the insider Preview Builds, now in the Dev Channel: it is fun to test the new features. I can learn new features, validate them and share them with you :-)
This tutorial is made in a test environment, for pleasure and not to earn money. It is a non-profit project. It shows that the concept is possible, for a demontration, artistic, or educational purposes, school learning course. Don't test in a real environment in production.
Windows Server 2025 Azure edition: what's new since the last tested version?
Voir précédant article sur la Windows Server version 25379 Active Directory Get-ADForest Get-ADDomain
Windows Server 2025 Azure edition what's new:
Windows Server 2025 Azure edition: ActiveDirectory comes with a 32k database page size instead of the 8k used since Windows 2000...
Windows Server 2025 Azure edition, joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 : mode opératoire.
Install Windows Server, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670.JPG
select image, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
language settings, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670.JPG
keyboard settings, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
setup options, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Install Windows Server
select image, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
applicable notices, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
select location, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
ready to install, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
send diagnostic data, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
watermark, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Tools/Computer management
Rename this PC
administrator, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
try azure arc, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
version 10-0-2612-5000, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Manage/Add roles & features
before you begin, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
installation type, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
select destination server, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Select the server ConsultingIT-frSRV « Microsoft Windows Server 2025 Datacenter Azure Edition »
select server roles, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Clic the checkbox : DNS server
features DNS server, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670.jpg
Click Add features,
features, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
DNS Server, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Confirmation, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Installation succeeded, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Installation succeeded.
Clic close
Manage/ Add roles and features/
Role based
Paramètres/Time and languages/language & region : add language
Français/France, next, install
Paramètres/Time and languages/typing/advanced keyboard settings
Vous pouvez désormais ajouter les comptes suivants dans Paramètres > Comptes > Courrier électronique & comptes pour Windows Server 2025 :
• Microsoft Entra ID
• Compte Microsoft
• Compte professionnel ou scolaire
Link an account
Microsoft account, continue
link account, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Install the AD DS (Active Directory Domain Services) server role
Manage/ Add roles and features/
Role based
Clic the Active Directory Domain Services
add features, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Add Features
AD DS, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Confirmation installation selections, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Installation succeeded, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Clic on the flag
flag promote, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Clic on Promote this server to a domain controller
Add a new forest
Root domain :
Password : ************
Forest and domain functional level Windows server 2025, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Delegation, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Netbios Domain Name.jpg
Netbios domain name : CONSULTINGIT
Paths, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Review options, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670.jpg
View Powershell script :
Powershell script, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Windows Powershell script for AD DS Deployment
prerequisite, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
The server restarts
Domain login, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Password :
On the Windows 11 workstation, join the domain:
Join the domain, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Server manager AD DS, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Windows 11 26120-670 join domain :
Start menu/system/About/Related links : domain or workgroup
System properties, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Workgroup to domain, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
In case of error:
Note: This information is intended for a network administrator. If you are not your network's administrator, notify the administrator that you received this information, which has been recorded in the file C:\WINDOWS\debug\dcdiag.txt.
The following error occurred when DNS was queried for the service location (SRV) resource record used to locate an Active Directory Domain Controller (AD DC) for domain "":
The error was: "DNS name does not exist."
(error code 0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR)
The query was for the SRV record for
Common causes of this error include the following:
- The DNS SRV records required to locate a AD DC for the domain are not Inscriptioned in DNS. These records are Inscriptioned with a DNS server automatically when a AD DC is added to a domain. They are updated by the AD DC at set intervals.
DNS server : edit
Preferred DNS, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Welcome to the domain, Windows Server 2025 Azure edition joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 .JPG
Windows Server 2025 Azure edition, joining an Active Directory Domain with Windows 11 build 26120.670 : need help ?
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