Offre de these doctorat pour etudiant cherchant un doctorat PHD Cyber-physical Systems/Artificial Intelligence/Systems Biology at ANU
-physical Systems/Artificial Intelligence/Systems Biology
Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory
Research School of Computer Science
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Australian National University
Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory led by Dr Sergiy Bogomolov is
seeking applications for multiple research positions as PhD students
to work on a range of topics in the area of cyber-physical systems
(e.g., autonomous cars, smart buildings) and their applications in
artificial intelligence and systems biology.
Possible research topics include:
* verification and synthesis techniques for cyber-physical systems
* AI planning in mixed discrete-continuous domains
* biological systems modelling using hybrid automata
Candidate profile:
* strong background in Computer Science and/or Mathematics
(particularly numerical methods, differential equations, control and
optimization theory)
* solid programming skills in C++/Java/Python/Matlab
* should have completed, or about to complete, a
Bachelors/Masters/Honours degree in Computer Science or related areas
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