Expertising & auditing Windows devices
1. Windows Server & components: DNS, WINS…
2. Windows Desktop & Devices, computer state, drivers, document folders…
3. Software and Applications on Windows servers and clients computers…
4. Web browser : Internet Explorer
5. Active Directory database & objects, OUs, accounts, sites, subnets, users status, passwords
6. Group Policy Objects applied to a computer account or a user
7. Web Server Internet Information Server web (IIS 5, 5.1 ,6):
8. SQL Server: Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Server databases, views, roles, stored procédures...
1. Expertise/Auditing Windows Server & components: DNS, WINS, Registry, Services, Printers, clusters, SMS, Quota disk space, files and folders spaces…
List DNS server Andrew File System Database Server DNS Records, list ATM Address to Name DNS Records, Canonical Name DNS Records, Host Address DNS Records
List DNS server records : host Information, List IPv6 Address, ISDN & keys, mail agent, exchanger, forwarding records…
List DNS records: mail agent, exchanger, mail group, mail Information, mailbox…
List DNS records: pointers, Responsible person , Route Through, Service, Signature, Start of Authority…
List DNS records: text, well-Known services, WINS, WINS Reverse Lookup, X.25…
List cluster server, node information, resource group information, resource type information, service Information
List cluster network information, list network interface information, listing Cluster Resource Information, retrieving clustering information
List Registry Files, Key Access Rights, Properties, Subkeys, Values and Types
List Services, actives, inactives, status, running in a process, that can be paused or stopped, dependent services for a single service or all services,
List Server printer drivers, ports, queue statistics, printer capabilities, connections,
List Server SMS 2003: the Size of the Advanced Client Cache, Health Summary for Local SMS Sites, client-side settings, Proxy properties, search properties,
List server shadow copy service (2003), Services Packs, hotfixes,
List All Disk Drives, available disk space, CD-ROM properties, drive properties, disk partition properties
List Disk Space by User, drive types, floppy drive information, logical disk drive properties
List mapped network drives, physical disk properties volume mount points, volume properties
List files and folders attributes, properties, version information, extensions, extended properties
Audit Web Pages and HTML Applications
List Selected Items in a Multi-select Listbox, value of a checkbox, value of a Dropdown List, value of a Listbox, value of a password box, value of a text box
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2. Expertise/Auditing Windows Desktop & Devices, computer state, drivers, document folders…
List Local Computer Information, manufacturer and model, Processor, Physical and Virtual Memory Information, battery information, etc.
List Keyboard Properties, modem information, plug and play devices, plug and play signed drivers, Pointing Device Properties, sound card properties
Monitor Available Memory, cache performance, changes in power Status, memory performance, processor performance, monitor processor use, etc.
List Domain or Workgroup Information, Local Users and Owner, Audited Internet Explorer Events from the Security Log
List Items in the Internet Cookies Folder, Items in the Programs Folder
List System Restore Configuration Values, Start Menu Program Groups, Items in the Printers and Faxes Folder
List All Events from an Event Log, Security log, Stop Events, Log Properties, for a Specific Day, from a specific event log, monitor event logs in real time.
List networking configuration: IP Addresses for a Computer, IP Configuration Data, IP4 Route Table Information, Network Adapter Configuration Properties
List Network Adapter Properties, Client Information, Login Profiles, Proxy Server Information, the network protocols on a computer, ping results on multiple Computers
List Firewall all globally-open ports, authorized applications, properties, ICMP Settings, Remote Administration settings, standard Profile Properties
List the Local Time on a Computer, Time Zone, the UTC Time
List Classic COM Classes, Component Categories, DCOM Application Settings, ProgIDs
Monitor Job Object Details Performance, process Address Space Performance, process creation, monitor Process deletion, Processes performance, processes owners
Monitor Processor Use by Process, process availability, thread details performance
List Owner of a File, Owner of a Folder
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3. Expertise/Auditing Software and Applications on Windows servers and clients computers…
List Information About the Binary Files Used by an Application, installed or Advertised Components and applications, installed Software
List Installed Software Features, Microsoft Product IDs, the Codec Files on a Computer, All Installed Software,
List Fax Server Activity Logging Options, Device Information; Device Providers, Event Logging Options
List Fax Server Incoming Archive Information , Incoming Queue Information, Information
List Fax Server Outgoing Archive Information, Outgoing Queue Information, Receipt Options
List Fax Server Security Information, Indexing Service Catalogs, Indexing Service Scopes
List Specific Files Included in the Indexing Service, List the State of the Indexing Service
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4. Expertise/Auditing Web browser : Internet Explorer
List Internet Explorer Connection Summary Information, Internet Explorer Events from the Security Log, Internet Explorer Cache Settings
List Internet Explorer COM Object Settings, Connection Settings, File Version Information
List Internet Explorer LAN Settings, Security Setting Values, Security Zone Settings
List Internet Explorer Summary Settings, Security Zones, Advanced Internet Explorer Settings
Verify Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration Status
List Items in the Temporary Internet Files Folder, the Items in the Internet Explorer History Folder
List the Path to the Internet Explorer Folder, Items in the Internet Favorites Folder
List Items in the Internet Cookies Folder
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5. Expertise/Auditing Active Directory database & objects, OUs, accounts, sites, subnets, users status, passwords
List FSMO Role Holders, domain information using WMI, Active Directory Database Replication Partners,
Monitor Active Directory Replication, NTDS Performance, FRS Replication
List Group Policy Information for an OU, all computer accounts in Active Directory, all Domain Controllers
List the Subnets in all Active Directory Sites, all the members of a group, group memberships for all the Users in an OU, group object information, other groups a group belongs to, active directory groups a user belongs to
Attributes of the group class, general properties of a group, managed by information for a group, owner of a group, primary group for a user account, security descriptor for a group, system access control list for a group
List COM+ Partition Information for a Domain, List COM+ Partition Sets, List Group Policy Information for an OU
List the Attributes of the organizationalUnit Class, List the COM+ Properties of an OU, List the General Properties of an OU
List the Managed By Information for an OU, List the Owner of an OU, List the Properties of an OU Object
List the Security Descriptor for an OU, List the System Access Control List of an OU
List Active Directory Connections, Active Directory Sites, All Domain Controllers
List Servers in an Active Directory Site, the Protocols Over Which a Bridgehead Server Replicates, the Site Name for a Domain Controller
List the Site Name for the Local Computer, the Subnets in all Active Directory Sites, the Subnets in an Active Directory Site, Your Domain Controller
List Domain Password Policy Settings, Domain Password Property Attributes
List Password Attributes for a User Account, List When a Password Expires, When a Password was Last Changed
List Account Page Information for a User Account, Address Page Information for a User Account, All Telephone Settings for a User Account,
List All the Attributes of the User Class, Allowed User Logon Hours, Audit Permissions for a User Account,
List COM+ Information for a User Account, Object Page Information for a User Account, Organization Information for a User Account
List Published Certificates for a User Account, Security Permissions for a User Account, the Dial-In Property Configuration Settings for a User Account
List User Account Account Page Properties, User Account Address Page Attributes, User Account General Page Properties
List User Profile Properties, userAccountControl Values for an Active Directory User Account
List All the Disabled User Accounts in Active Directory, the Date That a User Account Expires, the Status of a User
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6. Expertise/Auditing Security : Group Policy Objects applied to a computer account or a user
Enumerating Resultant Set of Policy: Scopes of Management, Security Event Log Settings, Security Settings, System Services
List Resultant Set of Policy: Administrative Template Files, Audit Policies, Group Policy Extension Status, Group Policy Links, User Privilege Rights
List RSOP Application Management Policy Settings
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7. Expertise/Auditing Web Server Internet Information Server web (IIS 5, 5.1 ,6):
IIS 5, 5.1, 6
List Applications in an Application Pool, Web Service Applications, IIS Authentication Methods, IIS IP Address and Domain Restrictions, Verify Back Up & restore the Metabase Using a Password
List IIS BITS Server Extension Properties, Instances of the IIsCertMapper Class, compression Schemes Properties, IIS Filter Setting Information, ISAPI Filters
List IIS FTP Site Properties, FTP Server Setting Information, FTP Server Version, FTP Service Setting Properties, FTP Site Home Directory Properties
List IIS FTP Site Messages, FTP Site Security Account Properties, FTP Virtual Directories, FTP Virtual Directory Properties, informations about the FTP Service
List IIS FTP Log Modules, custom Log Module Properties, Custom Log Modules, IIsLogModule Instances, List IIsLogModulesSetting Instances, Log Module Settings, Log Modules, List Web Service Logging Options
List IIS IMAP Global Default Server Information Using WMI, Server Information, Server Information Using ADSI, Service Configuration Information, Service Information Using ADSI, Sessions, Sessions Setting Instances
List IIS NNTP Groups, Log Modules, Server Setting Information, Sessions, server state & version, authentication properties
List IIS POP3 Server Information Using ADSI, Server State, Service Configuration Information, sessions, metabase setting
List IIS SMTP server & services functions, authentication properties, advanced delivery options, domains, routing properties, log modules, Virtual directories
List IIS Web site properties, directories, files, performance properties, etc.
Messaging and Communication: managing messaging and communication applications, (Microsoft Exchange Server 2003)
List Exchange Schedule Interval Information, cluster Resource Information, connector State Information
List Exchange Domain Controller Information, Folder Tree Information, Link Information
List Exchange Logon Information, Mailbox Information, Message Tracking Entry Information
List Exchange Public Folder Information, Queue Information, Queued Message Information
List Exchange Server Information, Server State Information, Virtual Server Queue Information, XML Queue Data
List the Queued Cache Reload Time, parameters using Collaboration Data Objects (CDO).
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8. Expertise/Auditing SQL Server: Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Server databases, views, roles, stored procedures,
List All the Tables in a SQL Server Database, all of the users in a given SQL Server DB.
lists all the views in a given SQL Server DB.
lists the roles within a SQL Server database.
lists the rules within a SQL Server database.
list the Stored Procedures in a SQL Server database.
Display SQL Server Login Mode
Display SQL Server Version Information
list all the Databases on a SQL Server
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