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depuis 2001, Insider depuis 2014.

Merci à Microsoft EMEA GBS de m’avoir permis de participer en 2014 au projet Insider sur mon temps de travail. Depuis, ce projet de test de Windows Server est rythmé par le cycle de l'insider Preview Builds, du canal Canary (Canary Chanel): quelle joie de pouvoir tester les nouvelles fonctionnalités en avant première ! Cet article fait suite à un nouveau build apparu sur : je teste si les fonctionnalités principales fonctionnent comme sur les versions précédentes. C'est l'occasion de faire ma veille technologique, d'apprendre ces nouveautés, de les valider, et de vous les partager, que vous puissiez en profiter aussi :-)

Ce tutorial est une démonstration en laboratoire pour le plaisir, à but non lucratif, pour montrer que le concept est possible, ou pour un cours dans le cadre scolaire. Ne testez pas dans un environnement de production. 


Ces builds installent la prochaine préversion du canal de maintenance à long terme (LTSC) de Windows Server qui contient à la fois les options d'installation Desktop Experience et Server Core pour les éditions Datacenter et Standard.


Windows Server version 25379 Active Directory Get-ADForest: fonctionnalité

La commande Windows PowerShell Get-ADForest, à partir du module Active Directory pour Windows PowerShell, affiche les propriétés de la forêt, y compris le maître d'opérations des noms de domaine actuel et le contrôleur de schéma.

Windows Server version 25379 Active Directory Get-ADForest: help Get-ADForest


PS C:\Users\Administrateur> help Get-ADForest


Gets an Active Directory forest.

Get-ADForest [-AuthType {Negotiate | Basic}] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-Current {LocalComputer |
LoggedOnUser}] [-Server <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-ADForest [-Identity] <ADForest> [-AuthType {Negotiate | Basic}] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-Server
<String>] [<CommonParameters>]

The Get-ADForest cmdlet gets the specified Active Directory forest. You can specify the forest by setting the
Identity or Current parameters.

The Identity parameter specifies the Active Directory forest to get. You can identify a forest by its fully
qualified domain name (FQDN), DNS host name, or NetBIOS name. You can also set the parameter to a forest object
variable, such as `$<localForestObject>`, or you can pass a forest object through the pipeline to the Identity

To get the forest of the local computer or current logged on user, set the Current parameter to LocalComputer or
LoggedOnUser. When you set the Current parameter, you do not need to set the Identity parameter.

When the Current parameter is set to LocalComputer or LoggedOnUser, the cmdlet uses the Server and Credential
parameter values to determine the domain and the credentials to use to identify the domain of the forest according
to the following rules:

- If both the Server and Credential parameters are not specified:

The domain is set to the domain of the LocalComputer or LoggedOnUser and a server is located in this domain. The
credentials of the current logged on user are used to get the domain.

- If the Server parameter is specified and the Credential parameter is not specified:

The domain is set to the domain of the specified server and the cmdlet checks to make sure that the server is in
the domain of the LocalComputer or LoggedOnUser. Then the credentials of the current logged on user are used to
get the domain. An error is returned when the server is not in the domain of the LocalComputer or LoggedOnUser.

- If the Server parameter is not specified and the Credential parameter is specified:

The domain is set to the domain of the LocalComputer or LoggedOnUser and a server is located in this domain. Then
the credentials specified by the Credential parameter are used to get the domain.

- If the Server and Credential parameters are specified:

The domain is set to the domain of the specified server and the cmdlet checks to make sure that the server is in
the domain of the LocalComputer or LoggedOnUser. Then the credentials specified by the Credential parameter are
used to get the domain. An error is returned when the server is not in the domain of the LocalComputer or

Online Version:

Pour consulter les exemples, tapez : "get-help Get-ADForest -examples".
Pour plus d'informations, tapez : "get-help Get-ADForest -detailed".
Pour obtenir des informations techniques, tapez : "get-help Get-ADForest -full".
Pour l'aide en ligne, tapez : "get-help Get-ADForest -online"


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Windows Server version 25379 Active Directory Get-ADForest: sortie de la commande


PS C:\Users\Administrateur> Get-ADForest

ApplicationPartitions : {DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=foret,DC=consultingit,DC=fr,


CrossForestReferences : {}

DomainNamingMaster    :

Domains               : {}

ForestMode            : Windows2016Forest

GlobalCatalogs        : {}

Name                  :

PartitionsContainer   : CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=foret,DC=consultingit,DC=fr

RootDomain            :

SchemaMaster          :

Sites                 : {Default-First-Site-Name}

SPNSuffixes           : {}

UPNSuffixes           : {}



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Windows Server version 25379 Active Directory Get-ADForest: lancement de la commande


Windows Server version 25379 Active Directory Get ADForest


Windows Server version 25379 Active Directory Get-ADDomain: aide



PS C:\Users\Administrateur> help Get-ADDomain


Gets an Active Directory domain.

Get-ADDomain [-AuthType {Negotiate | Basic}] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-Current {LocalComputer |
LoggedOnUser}] [-Server <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-ADDomain [-Identity] <ADDomain> [-AuthType {Negotiate | Basic}] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-Server
<String>] [<CommonParameters>]

The Get-ADDomain cmdlet gets the Active Directory domain specified by the parameters. You can specify the domain
by setting the Identity or Current parameters.

The Identity parameter specifies the Active Directory domain to get. You can identify the domain object to get by
its distinguished name, GUID, Security Identifier (SID), DNS domain name, or NetBIOS name. You can also set the
parameter to a domain object variable, such as `$<localDomainObject>` or pass a domain object through the pipeline
to the Identity parameter.

To get the domain of the local computer or current logged on user set the Current parameter to LocalComputer or
LoggedOnUser. When you set the Current parameter, you do not need to set the Identity parameter.

When the Current parameter is set to LocalComputer or LoggedOnUser, the cmdlet uses the Server and Credential
parameters according to the following rules.

- If both the Server and Credential parameters are not specified: - The domain is set to the domain of the
LocalComputer or LoggedOnUser and a server is located in this domain. The credentials of the current logged on
user are used to get the domain.

- If the Server parameter is specified and the Credential parameter is not specified: - The domain is set to the
domain of the specified server and the cmdlet checks to make sure that the server is in the domain of the
LocalComputer or LoggedOnUser. Then the credentials of the current logged on user are used to get the domain. An
error is returned when the server is not in the domain of the LocalComputer or LoggedOnUser.

- If the Server parameter is not specified and the Credential parameter is specified: - The domain is set to the
domain of the LocalComputer or LoggedOnUser and a server is located in this domain. Then the credentials specified
by the Credential parameter are used to get the domain. - If the Server and Credential parameters are specified: -
The domain is set to the domain of the specified server and the cmdlet checks to make sure that the server is in
the domain of the LocalComputer or LoggedOnUser. Then the credentials specified by the Credential parameter are
used to get the domain. An error is returned when the server is not in the domain of the LocalComputer or

Online Version:

Pour consulter les exemples, tapez : "get-help Get-ADDomain -examples".
Pour plus d'informations, tapez : "get-help Get-ADDomain -detailed".
Pour obtenir des informations techniques, tapez : "get-help Get-ADDomain -full".
Pour l'aide en ligne, tapez : "get-help Get-ADDomain -online"


Windows Server version 25379 Active Directory Get-ADDomain: sortie de la commande

PS C:\Users\Administrateur> Get-ADDomain

AllowedDNSSuffixes : {}
ChildDomains : {}
ComputersContainer : CN=Computers,DC=foret,DC=consultingit,DC=fr
DeletedObjectsContainer : CN=Deleted Objects,DC=foret,DC=consultingit,DC=fr
DistinguishedName : DC=foret,DC=consultingit,DC=fr
DNSRoot :
DomainControllersContainer : OU=Domain Controllers,DC=foret,DC=consultingit,DC=fr
DomainMode : Windows2016Domain
DomainSID : S-1-5-21-2150864860-3250482353-2402015809
ForeignSecurityPrincipalsContainer : CN=ForeignSecurityPrincipals,DC=foret,DC=consultingit,DC=fr
Forest :
InfrastructureMaster :
LastLogonReplicationInterval :
LinkedGroupPolicyObjects : {CN={31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9},CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=foret,DC=consu
LostAndFoundContainer : CN=LostAndFound,DC=foret,DC=consultingit,DC=fr
ManagedBy :
Name : foret
ObjectClass : domainDNS
ObjectGUID : b35a7682-be4a-4b7f-81f9-adcbaab3d3a5
ParentDomain :
PDCEmulator :
PublicKeyRequiredPasswordRolling : True
QuotasContainer : CN=NTDS Quotas,DC=foret,DC=consultingit,DC=fr
ReadOnlyReplicaDirectoryServers : {}
ReplicaDirectoryServers : {}
RIDMaster :
SubordinateReferences : {DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=foret,DC=consultingit,DC=fr,
SystemsContainer : CN=System,DC=foret,DC=consultingit,DC=fr
UsersContainer : CN=Users,DC=foret,DC=consultingit,DC=fr


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Windows Server version 25379 les nouveautés: conclusion


Cette fonctionnalité est opérationnelle sur cette version 25379


 Windows InsiderPreview Server vNext fr fr 25379 windows est active 2

Windows Serveur 2022, oui mais en réalité, c’est la version Vnext 25379.zn_release.230525-1407 comme on le voit marqué en bas à droite 

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