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Uses cases vers Users stories à partir d’un cahier des charges et du besoin client


Pour créer une application, il faut bien comprendre ce que veut le client, l'analyser pour le modéliser, et ensuite le développer

smartphone samsung galaxy s8 java bluetooth



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Lorsque je réalise une application mobile multi-plateformes, comme par exemple celles là, le client m’exprime généralement son besoin à travers des plaquettes, des calques, ou de longs emails, et me demande souvent certaines fonctionnalités les plus demandées, comme l'utilisation de Web-services, Rest, Json, Gps... J'analyse, je modélise

Dans cette étude de cas, j’ai compris après plusieurs lectures, que mon client avait besoin d’une application de géo localisation et de télémétrie sur les téléphones portables

Applications téléphones portables : d'abord bien analyser le besoin

Des expressions techniques reviennent plusieurs fois dans l'expression du besoin, comme par exemple:

Match behaviors, Predict Geo-locations, Proximite events, Report, Detect neighbors...

Trace routes, Reverse geocode to real address, Historise location, Detect motion, Encrypt data...

sends a push notification to the mobile device... sends a push notification to the servers... feed our database...

locate point-of-interest...  describe the objects with similar tags that users have...

request for their future positions of users... Send encrypted tags... Send locations...

Send interests... Send matchinfs... Send POI infos...collect location history... collect paths...

collect journeys...Encrypt data to databases... Store Encryption Key on the telephone of the user...

Store Encryption Key in our in-house secret server...


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Phase d'analyse, de modélisation

Applications smartphones: uses cases liste préliminaire qui va décrire les fonctionnaliés à développer


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Applications smartphones: des uses cases concernant le matériel utilisé

Match behaviors
Predict Geo-locations
Proximite events
Detect neighbors
Trace routes
Reverse geocode to real address
Historise location
Find the best itinerary
Find points of interests along the way
get notices about nearby friends
get notices about friends Location
deal with our current positions
offer information about places we have been
keep in touch with users we’ve met
Avoid filling interfaces as much as possible
forecast my trips
forecasting my future positions
Telling where i will be
Integrate predictive models into apps
Make matchings between mobile users
Make matchings between points of interest
Activate geolocation functions with only a few line of code
API gives mobile developers access to geolocation functionality analytics
Provide geolocation
Provide routing
integrate the API with 6 lines of code
integrate the API in a few minutes
detect preferential moving targets
easily find neighbors nearby
proactively predict users’ movements
organize user meetings
offer ideal matches
be affordable to all developers
easily accessible to all developers.
estimate in real time where the user is actually going
estimate where the user will go next
estimate when the user will go next
Run geolocation in the mobile’s background
preserve the user’s battery
Notify the user
Detect motion
Encrypt data
Tell the developer to use a laptop
request for “matches” between users
request for “matches” between static points-of-interest
detects a match
sends a push notification to the mobile device
sends a push notification to the servers
match users using their past positions
match users using their current positions
match users using current destinations
match users using future proximity
match users using future intent-to-travel
Tag every user within his “Birthdate” parameter
Request matches of similarity for ages
Request matches of proximity of users
feed matching algorithms
match users with non-user objects
feed database
locate point-of-interest
describe the objects with similar tags that users have
request for matching between users
request for the future positions of users
Send encrypted tags
Send matchings
Send events
Send reports on matchings
Send locations
Send interests
Send POI infos
Send stocks
Accept that their personal data is required
Collects geolocation data
collect location history
collect paths
collect journeys
Encrypt data to databases
Store Encryption Key on the telephone
Store Encryption Key in in-house secret server
OpenSource IOS code
OpenSource ANDROID code
Notify the user of what we are doing with the geolocation
Show the user what is known about him
Delete all user data
Create white zones when application goes asleep
Create white zones where application goes asleep
Make functions “ready to use”
Make functions “ customizable ”
Make applicaiton in native iOS (Swift and ObjectiveC)
Make application in native Android (Java)
Embed application with a few lines (duplicate use case)
geo-track in the background
Make all the self-dependent functions work immediately
Generate API Key
Provide code examples
Use the interface
add points-of-interest and tag them with your specific application data
request information about users (geolocations, geo-predictions, geo-correlations)
request for backend notifications in case of events or matches
trigger events into your application mobile nodes
request for user-privacy data to be fully removed from our backend
Use console
generate and manage API keys for each of your applications
visualize the movements of your users (or groups of users) over time
test and validate Geo-correlation matching syntax

Applications smartphones: uses cases concernant l'utilisateur connecté

Education level
Field of study
Ethnic affinity
Income and net worth
Home ownership and type
Home value
Property size
Square footage of home
Year home was built
Household composition
Users who have an anniversary within 30 days
Users who are away from family or hometown
Users who are friends with someone who has an anniversary, is newly married or engaged, recently moved, or has an upcoming birthday
Users in long-distance relationships
Users in new relationships
Users who have new jobs
Users who are newly engaged
Users who are newly married
Users who have recently moved
Users who have birthdays soon
Expectant parents
Mothers, divided by “type” (soccer, trendy, etc.)
Users who are likely to engage in politics
Conservatives and liberals
Relationship status
Job title
Office type
Users who own motorcycles
Users who plan to buy a car (and what kind/brand of car, and how soon)
Users who bought auto parts or accessories recently
Users who are likely to need auto parts or services
Style and brand of car you drive
Year car was bought
Age of car
How much money user is likely to spend on next car
Where user is likely to buy next car
How many employees your company has
Users who own small businesses
Users who work in management or are executives
Users who have donated to charity (divided by type)
Operating system
Users who play canvas games
Users who own a gaming console
Users who have created a [Framework Name] event
Users who have used [Framework Name] Payments
Users who have spent more than average on [Framework Name] Payments
Users who administer a [Framework Name] page
Users who have recently uploaded photos to [Framework Name]
Internet browser
Email service
Early/late adopters of technology
Expats (divided by what country they are from originally)
Users who belong to a credit union, national bank or regional bank
Users who investor (divided by investment type)
Number of credit lines
Users who are active credit card users
Credit card type
Users who have a debit card
Users who carry a balance on their credit card
Users who listen to the radio
Preference in TV shows
Users who use a mobile device (divided by what brand they use)
Internet connection type
Users who recently acquired a smartphone or tablet
Users who access the Internet through a smartphone or tablet
Users who use coupons
Types of clothing user’s household buys
Time of year user’s household shops most
Users who are “heavy” buyers of beer, wine or spirits
Users who buy groceries (and what kinds)
Users who buy beauty products
Users who buy allergy medications, cough/cold medications, pain relief products, and over-the-counter meds
Users who spend money on household products
Users who spend money on products for kids or pets, and what kinds of pets
Users whose household makes more purchases than is average
Users who tend to shop online (or off)
Types of restaurants user eats at
Kinds of stores user shops at
Users who are “receptive” to offers from companies offering online auto insurance, higher education or mortgages, and prepaid debit cards/satellite TV
Length of time user has lived in house
Users who are likely to move soon
Users who are interested in the Olympics, fall football, cricket or Ramadan
Users who travel frequently, for work or pleasure
Users who commute to work
Types of vacations user tends to go on
Users who recently returned from a trip
Users who recently used a travel app
Users who participate in a timeshare


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User stories, uses cases: de l'aide pour la rédaction, l'analyse et la modélisation?


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