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Windows 11 v26080 Csharp First FPS Scripting camera behavior to follow the player


Windows 11 v26100 Csharp First FPS Scripting camera behavior to follow the player


Windows 11 v26100 Csharp First FPS Scripting camera behavior to follow the player



Who am i / About the author...

ident021 180 facebook linkedin insider mcp learn metadatas sans cravate 128x128 autocolors 18052006 191123 mcse microsoft logomcsa microsoft logomcdba logo

since 2001, Insider since 2014.


Thanks to Microsoft EMEA GBS to let me participate in the year 2014 to the Insider project during my work. Then, This Windows test project, here in version 11, is based on the cycle of the insider Preview Builds, now in the Dev Channel: it is fun to test the new features. I can learn new features, validate them and share them with you :-)

Why game engines? Because as a system/network/database developer I only see consoles and screens with unfunny and ugly text. With game engines i can show you colors and animations, that's more fun and more eye-catching :)

This tutorial is made in a test environment, for pleasure and not to earn money. It is a non-profit project. It shows that the concept is possible, for a demontration, artistic, or educational purposes, school learning course. Don't test in a real environment in production. 


Windows 11 v26100 Csharp First FPS Scripting camera behavior to follow the player : last articles



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Windows 11 v26100 Csharp First FPS Scripting camera behavior to follow the player : goal


Imagine we have two objects in our game: a player capsule and a camera. We want the camera to follow the player smoothly. The trick here is to make the camera a child of the player capsule. When an object is a child of another, its position and rotation are linked to the parent. So, as the player moves or rotates, the camera will automatically follow suit.

However, there’s a small hiccup. If we directly parent the camera to the player, any movement or rotation applied to the player will also affect the camera. Imagine the camera spinning wildly when the player does a somersault – not ideal!

What we really want is for the camera to maintain a fixed distance behind the player and always face the player, no matter what crazy stunts they’re pulling. Luckily, we can achieve this by manipulating the camera’s position and rotation relative to the player using methods from the Transform class.



Windows 11 v26100 Csharp First FPS Scripting camera behavior to follow the player : script



I create a new C# script in the Scripts folder, i name it CameraBehavior

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine;

public class CameraBehavior : MonoBehaviour


    public Vector3 CamOffset = new Vector3(0f, 1.2f, -2.6f);

    // distance between the Main Camera and the Player capsule

    private Transform _target;

    // give us access to the position, rotation, and scale of the player capsule

    // Start is called before the first frame update

    void Start()


        _target = GameObject.Find("Player").transform;

        // Find the capsule player by name

        // The capsule’s x, y, and z positions are updated and stored in the _target variable every frame.


    // Update is called once per frame

    void Update()



    void LateUpdate()


        //executes after Update

        //this guarantees that _target has the most up-to-date position to reference.

        this.transform.position = _target.TransformPoint(CamOffset);

        //Sets the camera’s position to _target.TransformPoint(CamOffset) for every frame


        //The LookAt method updates the capsule’s rotation at every frame, focusing on the Transform parameter we pass in



I drag this C# script into Main Camera in the Hierarchy panel.

In the inspector, the public « cam offset » variable appears and i can modify the parameters if needed.

I select the tab « game » with main camera on display 1, and push play button F5





Windows 11 v26100 Csharp First FPS Scripting camera behavior to follow the player : conclusion done


Done! i created the project Csharp First FPS Scripting camera behavior to follow the player, on windows 11 version 26100.

Windows 11 v26100 Csharp First FPS Scripting camera behavior to follow the player

Windows 11 v26100 Csharp First FPS Scripting camera behavior to follow the player : need help ? 

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